Picnic information

.   Summer is winding down and the gardens are being harvested,   so planning  is started for our summer picnic. We will be having a picnic and it will be September 12th starting at 2:00 pm.  The club will supply the meat,chips  and drinks and dinner ware.  A-M please bring a side dish or salad  and N-Z please bring a desert.

The picnic will be at my house and the address is 9531 W. Halstead Dr. Boise Idaho 83704.  On a demo there is one not on the schedule yet but thinking it will be informal as on the first Tuesday’s we do.

As I let you all know at the last meeting Officer elections for the club will be in October and this will give the incoming officers time to work with the out going officers to take the reins and run with them.

The first Tuesday  is back on track.  The summer heat is fading slowly.

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